A British drama focusing on the identity struggles of Ash (James Floyd), a young British Pakistani who is torn between the traditions of middle-class family life and his passion for DJ’ing. From Director Menhaj Huda.
This is the film that we met our now good friend, Menhaj Huda on. A chance for us to get our hands dirty with a mixture of multicultural British society and some banging club beats, including a remix of Robert Miles’ ‘Children’ from our also-now-great-mates, Nerm and D-Code (Shiva Sound System).
Apr 2011
Everywhere & Nowhere
April 9, 2011 | Comments Closed
Jun 2009
Le Donk & Scor-Zay-Zee
June 9, 2009 | Comments Closed
A 2009 fly-on-the-wall mockumentary written and directed by Shane Meadows, starring Paddy Considine, Arctic Monkeys and Scorzayzee. Le Donk, an ageing and failing musician and roadie, embarks on one last swansong working for the Arctic Monkeys whilst trying to promote his up and coming rapper, Scorzayzee. All this while juggling the fact that he is due to be a father… something’s got to give here…!
This was our first film as Pindrop, and one that we are very proud of! It’s got everything that we love: music, laughs, and a good story of a middle aged man trying to cling to his youth. Big thanks to Shane Meadows and Libby Durdy (Warp Films) for bringing us this wonderful film to get our company started.